
New PR Equipment

This year Babbacombe and St Marychurch Lions Club have invested in some new Equipment. We have expanded our PR equipment to now include a customised gazebo and feather flag, pop up banner and 7 panel display board. 

Club members have paid for this equipment out of our Admin Fund. Any money we take or raise from the general public does not go into our admin account, all the money in this is from members dues and through in house fundraising such as raffles and fines in meetings and social events.

The new equipment which has been used at Lions on the Downs, World Sight Day and our Race Nights over the summer is to help promote the club. Raising awareness that we are in our community and promote the projects and services that we offer. If you have an up and coming event that you would like us to get involved with then please contact us, details can be found on out “Contact us” page or via Facebook @BBSMLionsClub.

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