lions recycle for sight logo
In partnership with Lions Eye Camps, we need old spectacles that are shipped to the areas of India where Lions Eye Camps are restoring sight to many thousands of people. Please search your cupboards, have a collecting point for your Club and arrange to have the local opticians collect old spectacles for you. Spectacle collection Newsletter


sight saversToday, there are over three-quarters of a million Asian men, women and children who since 1972, owe their restored sight to eye camps sponsored by Lions Clubs in the British Isles and Ireland through Lions Sight Savers. Lions eye camps can provide eye care and cataract surgery for a village, for as little as £250, yes £250. Lions Clubs Eye Camp donations support Sight Savers’ comprehensive eye services (CES) projects in India, which are coordinated with local partners.

SightSavers Website

lions eye health prog logoThe Lions Eye Health Programme, launched in 1998, is a community-based awareness-raising project in partnership between the Lions Clubs of the British Isles and Ireland, the International Glaucoma Association and Diabetes UK. Early in 2005 additional partnerships have been forged with the Macular Disease Society, RNIB and Low Vision Services. There are now about 500 Lions Clubs actively campaigning LEHP through their volunteer members.

What is Campaign SightFirst?  

Building on a challenge back in 1925 when Helen Keller threw down the gauntlet to Lions to become ‘Knights of the Blind in the crusade against darkness’, the work of Lions Clubs has become synonymous with service to the Blind. Lions instigated the white cane and in 1990, the Lions ‘SightFirst’ project was launched with the aim of eradicating preventable and reversible blindness. Campaign SightFirst II was launched October 2005 by The Countess of Wessex. Select to see how you can help.