City of Wells Lions Club

Serving the City of Wells and the surrounding area. Registered Charity, Registered in England & Wales – 1181081

Diabetes Resource

Diabetes & Weight Loss Resources

The Recreational Drug of Choice – SUGAR

Parliamentary Speech Pulls No Punches

How Food Effects Blood Glucose

The carbohydrates you consume turn into blood sugar. The more carbohydrates you eat, the higher the levels of sugar you will have released as you digest and absorb your food. Carbohydrates in liquid form consumed by themselves are absorbed more quickly than those in solid food. So having a soda will cause a faster rise in your blood sugar levels than eating a slice of pizza. Source: Healthline

The Pioppi Diet Book by Dr Aseem Malhotra

Cardiologist Slams Government Dietary Advice

View this landmark address – on what will be required to address the diabetes epidemic and reverse its course. Deputy leader of the UK Labour party gave the packed room a heartfelt oration on his own diabetes and weight-loss journey, right before Dr Aseem Malhotra got into the details of what needs to be done. Aseem’s talk pulls no punches, hits all the core issues, and was followed by a massive round of applause.


Should Diabetes Be Treated More Seriously Than Cancer?

Andrew Boulton, professor of medicine, University of Manchester, UK, and visiting professor, University of Miami, Florida.  Also incoming president of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) believes so. Short 3 minute video and report. 

Download Slides from the Speakers @ Wells Diabetes Day

Jude GlideSub TextCollyerSub TextGoodness 4 MeSub TextJackie Lea-BridgesSub Text